
Life Lately

I wanna come up with a generic title for my blog posts for the days when I can't think of a title, or I'm just recording my recent happenings for my own future reference....or when I don't care what the title should be. That way when you see that particular title, it will kinda serve as a waring. Also I want it to be something completely ridiculous. I will do some thinking and get back to you on that, in the meantime it will remain Life Lately. 

So... Europe was fun, but jet lag is a beast, and it hit us hard coming home. I guess we're just not as young as we used to be.

We bought new cell phones the day after we got back because Sprint sucks. I hated them the entire four years we had them. Our contracts expired so we switch to Verizon, which is what I had before we got married. It feels good to be back with them and actually get service on our phones. Such a novel idea, I know, also I'm lovin' the Galaxy S4!

We have been trying to catch up on all the movies we missed while away. Our first day back we woke up at 4 in the AM and couldn't go back to sleep. We impatiently waited for the earliest showing of Star Trek, grabbed some breakfast afterwards and then immediately saw a showing of Gatsby. That was a good day.

On Monday I leave to Camp Lomia for girls camp. I will be going as a cabin mom, and will also be teaching a baking class while up there. I'm excited! I have such fond memories of going in my youth. It's been stressful getting things ready in time, but I know it will all work out. My favorite gals from our first year of teaching primary will be there. When they found out I was going they all got super excited. I told them I wasn't assigned to be their cabin mom, they got sad and said they would sneak over to my cabin every night to hang out with me. Things like that give me warm fuzzies all over. I sure love those girls. I would kidnap them for my own if I could, but I think there's a law against that, or something...


1 comment:

  1. Often for me I find I think of a better idea for a title AFTER I've written the post because then I know everything it's about. :) So sometimes I just pick a couple details from the post so something like "jet-lag and kidnapping" for this one. It sounds really interesting but it's just a couple details :)

    I'm so excited you will be a cabin mom! You will be great and have so much fun!! :) Can't wait to hear all about it!
