
A quick waz up

I don't really know how I have time to be sitting down and typing this out, but I'm gonna try to do it in twenty minutes or less...

This is waz up lately....

1. I changed my blog. Again. Jordan and I have been talking about our adoption. One thing they told us in the orientation meeting was how a couple needed to market themselves. Basically pimp yourselves out. And since we would really, really, REALLY like to parents I am gonna follow their advise to a T! Once returning from our vacation I am gonna be in 100% find me a baby mode.

Jordan and I will be starting an adoption blog... blah.. the thought of another blog actually makes my head hurt. This blog however will not be one that we update. It will be more like a profile. That way people can pass our info around and expecting mothers who are looking to place their child will have a place to get to "know" us.. kinda..shorta..AHH!! The thought make me nauseous actually.

All I do these days is look at and read adoption blogs. Seriously. You know those buttons that you might see on people blogs.. a cute couple with these words written underneath "Hoping To Adopt" Well I see about a million of those a day... Hoping to adopt, hoping to adopt, hoping to adopt...one after another...AHH...it makes me want to curl up in fetal position and cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I can't help but think that no one will pick us :(

So anyways, sorry to get off topic. Blogs. I will be sprucing up this one some more, then once we return from vacation, we will start an adoption profile blog.

2. Since we are talking about babies. My little sister is pregnant. She told me when I was having an "off" day, so I cried out of jealousy and frustration. But I am honestly happy for her now. She is gonna call me tonight and tell me the gender. I am on pins and needles here people!!

3. Since we are still talking about babies :) We did something silly. Please don't judge me too harshly here people.

^^ To cheer me up on one of my other off days, Jordan and I went to register for baby items. We had fun and it made me feel a little better, only I felt that I was being a bit deceiving. Jordan assured me it was OK, and once we start the adoption process we technically could get a baby at any moment, so it's better to live by the scout motto and Be Prepared . 

Enough about babies for now


^^ We are down to single digits here people!! Jord and I can hardly contain our excitement!
With that being said, my list of things to do is getting larger by the minute.  I closed up my shop two weeks ago but people kept contacting me asking if I could squeeze one more order in. So I allowed that, THREE TIMES!! What was I thinking! Oh yeah... I was thinking I like money:)  So now I am working on 7 online orders and two local cake orders. I'm asking help from the big Man upstairs to get me through this all.



  1. So many exciting things for you guys!
    What a great idea to register for baby stuff! I hadn't thought of that with adoption but obviously you still need stuff!
    I cannot wait to see all your photos from Europe!
    Probably a great way to help make you stand out from other couples would be to have a video on your blog/profile. I know that is something I hear over and over again in the Photography world as a great way to separate yourself from the competition and to help prospective clients (or in your case- expecting mothers looking at adoption) to really see who you are. :) People like to be able to know what your voice sounds like on video not just on paper. :)
    Good Luck and let me know if I can do anything to help!

  2. Thanks Annie!
    Making a video is a great idea and something Jordan and I have been discussing. I agree that I think it will give us a leg up...even if just a bit. The more I think about registering for baby stuff the happier I am that we did it. Some couples have been known to get their baby with a weeks notice! That does not leave much time to prepare. Most women have nine months to get ready, but with adoption that's just not the case. We are excited to make things happen and get this ball rolling, it's really all I think about these days :)

  3. Uh, I've made a Target baby registry without even the prospect of getting a baby anytime soon, so no judging here. Shopping for baby things is one of the most fun things anyone could ever do.

    Good luck with the adoption! I know you guys will be successful at pimping yourselves out, because I'll pray for you using that exact phrase.

    1. Libbie, I will love you forever if you pray for me using that phrase. And I know God will answers the prayer just because of it!
