

OK a few things

- The Gilbert Temple is beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful. 

- If you go, there's a trailer set up for visitors. The sweetest sister missionary is there where she gives a presentation. She talks about the importance of temples, all that goes into buildings one, and how the theme for the Gilbert Temple is the agave plant which is native to Arizona. It is represented trough the architecture and the stained glass windows. The reasoning behind using the agave plant?! Well it is beautifully inspired.... I won't spoil it for you though, I'll let you go and find out :)

- I don't know about you guys, but being from AZ I'm not used to the process of seeing the House of the Lord constructed. I didn't know all the work that was evolved. The strict code of conduct that the construction worker must follow. The thought and reasoning behind every single detail. It truely was amazing to learn.

- During the presentation I felt the spirit so strong. As the sweet sister missionary explained where each room in the temple would be, and how the sealing rooms would look, I had a very clear vision. It was almost as if a movie were playing in my mind and I saw a glimpse of what was to be. Jordan and I surrounded by family and friends, being sealed to our children in the Gilbert Temple. It was so clear, and seamed so real. I leaned over to Jordan, and with tears in my eyes I whispered, "This is were we'll be sealed to our children".  I never want to forget that sweet experience.

- The Mesa Temple. Yep, it's still beautiful as well!

- So you know that building that's behind the temple in the back parking lot? It's where the gardeners work. They store their equipment and have offices back there.We got a special tour, and it was awesome! They are the nicest people. I mean, how could you possibly be in a bad mood when you work at the temple all day long!

- Yan is the landscaper for the Swiss Temple. The ONLY landscaper... every bush, flower, tree, and blade of grass is his handy work. He wanted to talked to the gardeners to get some tips and ideas. They were more them happy to help.

- Vanessa and I got to eat 'holy' grapefruit, ya know, way better then store bought ;) 

- I really really really love temples!

1 comment:

  1. this is so cool!
    and what a special moment for you to have a vision of what the future holds for your family. :)
    What? the ONLY landscaper! That seems like a LOT of work, but probably also some of the best work! That would be amazing to work at the temple every day.

