
Patience grasshopper

This home girl loves a bargain. Let me tell you  something that I've learned (Of course this will not be a surprise to most of you, y'all are lights years ahead of me I'm sure)  If you see something you like at Target...or anywhere for that matter, I am just using target as an example because they have the best home decor.  NEVER buy it when it's brand new and WAY overpriced. Have a little patience, keep your eyes on it, and it will go on sale and then ATTACK!

Exhibit A -
I had been admiring these mugs since they first put them out after Christmas. There was no way this girl was gonna pay 5 bucks per mug. Check out that price tag! 70% savings.

I have big plans for these mugs... I want to doodle on them, Pinterest style :)

Exhibit B-
Jordan and I have not had four matching plates since we got married. I don't know how it happened but it did. It would never bug me until we would be entertaining guests and I would try to get all Martha Stewart up in that place and just couldn't! I wanted matching plates bad.

This year we are hosting Easter dinner, that's a big deal! We will have the Missionaries over PLUS we are having two special guests all the way from Switzerland. I want things to look nice. Thank you Target for saving the day. These plates came in a pack of four for $2.08. They only had two left or I would have grabbed more.

Now that I am no longer teaching and receiving a steady paycheck I am so careful at what I buy. Do any of you have any good money saving tips I should know about?  Part of me wants to become one of those crazy coupon ladies :)


  1. Target clearance is the best. It makes me feel like I know something no one else does, or like I won a raffle (I never win stuff). :)

    hint for the sharpie-pinterest Idea: been there. tried it. It works BUT you can't put them through the dishwasher or it will come off. You have to hand wash it. So maybe do some research and see if there are pens made for this.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, the sharpie idea is exactly what I had in mind, I will lokk into some waterproof alternatives!

  2. I don't have any money saving tips but to buy less. It's not a very fun tip.

    Also, I was looking at the comment above, and I thought I'd show you this:

    She uses a porcelain marker instead of a sharpie and it looks really durable.

    1. Thanks for the link, that will actually work perfect!

  3. I've been couponing like crazy!! Like legit, I have a book where I keep all my coupons organized. Nick and I are saving every penny for our future travels and that includes saving on the food front! If you ever want to coupon, let me know! I'll teach ya what I know!
