
The Portallanos

Yan was 16 years old when Jordan served in his branch in Bien, Switzerland. Jordan sat by Yan every Sunday. He credits Yan for teaching him to speak French as well as he does, and Yan credits Jordan for giving him a desire to serve a mission.

Yan was Jordan's favorite member, and Jordan was Yan's favorite missionary.

And so, a bromance was born.

for some reason Yan wanted a photo in front of the 'American' ally way. 
It made me laugh!

This is what happens when you give your camera to a stranger. My fault really.

They spoiled us rotten with delicious delectables.
That cereal up there is Jordan's favorite. From the time we met I was made aware of it, and I had to hear about it all the time. I tried to buy some online for him as a surprise once, and just as he had said, it's impossible to buy online. I thought I could be clever though and find a way that maybe he had missed. Nope. 
The Swiss are so selfish with their cereal :) 

Yan served a mission and married his beautiful German wife Vanessa in the Swiss Temple. They are such an amazing couple and so strong in the Gospel. I just love them!

One thing I noticed after spending four and a half days with them.... Yan is basically the Swiss version of Jordan, and Jordan the American version of Yan. SERIOUSLY! It was so funny to watch. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON! Now I know why they are such good friends:)

Those bonds you make as a missionary are so strong. So seeing them together makes me

happy happy happy!

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