
My first born in the wilderness

Lindsay and I served together for three glorious months in Krakow. She was my only child and I loved her to pieces. Correction, I still love her.

I refer to her as my child because I was lucky enough to get to train her, and in missionary lingo that means that I was her mama and she was my daughter. Can ya dig it!?

This pretty lady and I had so much fun teaching the Polish people the restored gospel. Each day was an amazing adventure and together we saw miracles happen. I learned so much from Lindsey and was always impressed with her love of the gospel and desire to serve. She was my last companion and we have a bond that's hard to even describe in words. I seriously love you Lindsay!

She was visiting Arizona last weekend and I was lucky to steal a few hours of her time. We grabbed some lunch and then were able to just gadać (chit chat) for a few hours. It was perfect.

**In other news...
So Lindsey is expecting her third child, and I can't help but think how her cute pregnant belly next to me combined with the pattern on my shirt creates the illusion that I am also with child. Don't cha think! I pointed it out to Jordan and he agreed. It kind of made me all giddy!  Hey a girl can dream :)


  1. Ha ha ha! You're right about looking with child in the picture. That's funny. :)

  2. My granddaughter! and Daughter!! he he he!!
    Love you!!
    I hope some day we get to see each other again.

  3. I love you so much, Julie! It was so great to see you- thank you for driving all that way to see me. I wish I could see you more often- you're a wonderful friend and I learn so much being with you. LOVE.
