
Life Lately

A few weeks ago my brother and sister in-law ran in the Ragnar marathon, which meant that Jordan and I got to take the girls for the weekend. We were pumped out of our mind!

We are kinda crazy about these two.

They were dropped off at our place Thursday night, so Friday morning I got up bright and early to make them a hardy breakfast. For some reason I've never been that happy to get up so early before, but the thought of 'playing' mom was so exciting and new to me that I was on cloud nine with the simplest of tasks. After Jordan and I dropped them off at school I couldn't help but worry and think about them all day...is this what's it's like when you have kids?

Jordan has Fridays off so he was able to pick them up from school and take them to all their girly activities. I admit I was jealous. I had to work and the entire time I just wanted to be home so I could spend time with the girls and not miss out. That day at work actually ended up being pretty bad, so I came home stressed, frustrated, and sad that I had missed out on fun times with everyone.  Then the best thing happened when I walked in the door, my niece Mary ran up to me and smothering me with the biggest hug ever she exclaimed "Aunt Julie I am so glad you're here, I have been waiting all day to see you!"

Talk about an instant moral boost! That seriously made my entire night.

We took the girls out to dinner and then had a movie night complete with popcorn, snacks, and later, manicures.

Weeks later, and the girls are still talking about all the fun we had. WooHoo!! We like being the cool (but responsible) aunt and uncle :)

We like to see the Temple!

The Relief Society issued a challenge to attend the Temple once a week for four week in a row. So we said, "We accept your challenge RS and we will go even more then four times, so take that!"

OK so we didn't actually say that to the RS or anyone in the RS, but you get the idea.
Temple = blessings. And we like blessings.

In other happenings, I resigned from my teaching job, sorry, I don't have a photo of that :)
From here on out it will only be baking jobs. I'm trying real hard to get my bog and business to a much more professional level. I might also try to get a part time job in a bakery or cupcake shop just so I can get more experience. This of course will mean a pay decrease from teaching, but you know it's just what I want and needed to do.  VIVA LA BAKING!

Oh yeah, one more thing..... HOW IS IT MARCH ALREADY??!! Seriously this year is already flying by. March just happens to be one of my favorite months and so many fun thing will be happening...EEK! I just want to wrapped March up in pretty bow, put it on my shelf and look at it longing all day long. I love you March, thanks for never letting us down.


  1. Love this! :)
    good luck with your baking!
    and I too have special feelings for March. :)

  2. I think there's a lady coming your way for her daughters wedding... they're out in Mesa, where my mom lives (same ward). Hopefully she calls/ed and you have more business and then even MORE business from over that way!!
