
Day 1 - Geneva and Bern

The first day was the longest. Not only did our flight leave in the wee hours of the morning, but the night before we were just SO dang excited that we literally couldn't fall asleep!

^^ Leaders of the Reformation^^ 
^^ This made me think of Wizards Chess in Harry Potter. And that made me happy^^

^^The train ride from Geneva to Bern. Photos don't do it justice, especially ones I take. The countryside is so breathtaking! 
^^ Trying to stay awake^^

^^ Reunited and it feels so good.  Yan picked us up at the train station in Bern. We went strait way to a Migros to stock up on the basic necessities, you know, like Swiss chocolate!

Our first day in Switzerland was lovely.
 Once we arrived we headed strait to the train station so we could store our belongings in a locker.  By this time we had been awake for almost two days strait, but we received a second wind and couldn't wait to get started! 

I was immediately in love with Geneva. It felt so good to be back in Europe, and seeing Jordan in his element was fun! I liked making him buy things just so I could hear him speak French :) We arrived at the start of a brand new day, I believe it was just after 8 in the morning when we got there. We  spent the majority of the day sight seeing in Geneva before we caught a two hour train ride to Bern, where Yan was meeting us. We tried our darndest to stay awake all day so  we could become acclimated to the time zone. It was so difficult, I think we ended up making it to 8 pm. We were so excited to be back in Europe, but we were more then ready for sleep. And thus ended day one, it was a most excellent day :)  

Together Jordan and I took close to 3,000 photos of the whole trip. Some where good, some....mm, not so much. Ha! Therefor I will spare you the endless slideshow in these posts, I will just be posting a handful of each day/city. Hopefully I will follow through, I've never been into scrapbooking so I have plans to turn this blog into a book eventually. Has anyone ever done that yet?     


  1. Looks like fun! I wish my husband or I spoke a foreign language fluently, but I could probably barely get by with my French.

    I know a lot of people who have turned their blogs into books (I think Shutterfly is a popular one). I think it takes a while to format everything on the site from your blog, but they look really cool when they're done!

  2. Keep these posts coming so I can live vicariously through you. :)

    I've made two photo books from my blog so far. I use shutterfly because they look great and they often have 50% off sales around nearly every holiday.
