I'm trying to get back in the swing of blogging again, both blogs have takin' a hit.
I'm thinking it's a mix between starting a new job with undesired hours, Jordan getting a new position with undesired hours, trying to find time to spend with my husband due to all these undesired hours, In-laws staying with us for a week, opening up an Esty shop (which I'm pumped about), fulfilling cake and shop orders, fixing up the new house, dealing with the evil people who run our apartment complex and are trying to make it damn near impossible for us to move out....grr.... and of course, trying to slowly pack up and move our stuff to the new place.
Phew.. I think I covered most of it.
But life is good :)
One of my goals for twenty twelve is to take more photos, so here's a few from the past month
also, I can't believe we are just days away from March. Good things happen in March, it is one of my favorites :)
March is definitely a good month! :) The 12th and 13th are especially good days. Good luck with the move! Let us know if we can help!