
Something that is making me happy

I have been keeping a secret

well, kind of.

We have told a few people already but I want to share it now because it makes me really happy.

This photo was taken clear back in August.

August 9th to be exact. It was a Thursday.
It was one of the sweetest days ever, and I will always remember it.
I love this photo. Jord snapped it, and let me tell you why I love it so. It's not for vain purposes I promise.

I think it captured how I was feeling that day.
And to me it represents the beginning.

The beginning of this

We had our first of many meetings yet to come with LDS Family Services.
It was a day filled with hope, excitement, a little nervousness, and lots of happy tears.

We still have a long road ahead of us, but we are headed in the right direction. And that makes us over the moon.

I hope to show that photo to our children years from now, so they will know how happy their mom and dad were to start looking for their family and welcome them with open arms.  


  1. How exciting! Good luck with everything. You'll be in my prayers. :)

  2. So happy and excited for you guys!! :D
