
Ch ch ch changes

My oh my a lot has been going on. These past two weeks have been intense to say the least so I will fill you in.

 I quit my job. Trust me, it was not a rash spur of the moment decision, it had been a long time coming. For about the past year I have been unhappy and depressed with my job and that is just not who I am or how I wanted to be. I was always looking for a new path, praying for guidance, and talking about it with my husband. I always thought I couldn't leave my current job until I had another one lined up to replace it. But after many tearful nights and a lot of praying I decided to put my full trust in the Lord. I quit with out having a back up. That's right, I'm unemployed. Oh and the bills still have to be payed! It's a little scary, BUT I have a good feeling and reassurance that all will be fine. I am still looking like crazy and have had a few interviews, but none of them seemed like a good fit. I have no idea what the Lord has in-store for me but I am turning my trust all over to Him. Sometimes when we receive an answer to our prayers the "how" part doesn't always make sense and might even seem impossible. However I know that by taking this leap of faith I'm showing the Lord that I trust Him  and He will bless me in return.

And since we are talking about jobs, some major decision making has been going on in regards to Jordan's career path as well.  He is a geography major and will be graduating soon,  but he has always struggled with the exact career he wanted. Recently he had brought up the option of him entering the Air Force. He was afraid to tell me at first, but said how he had done his research and there were quite a few jobs that centered around geography. Also, he is obsessed with planes and always considered taking that path as well. Ahh!! So many decisions!!  Again, we have done a lot of talking and praying!  I think I can say now that the chances are pretty dang good that he will in fact be joining the Air Force. Which means that there will be about three months that he will be in Texas for basic training :(  

So much going on and a lot of major life decisions need to be made. But you know I am so glad that I get to go through all this craziness with Jordan. Changes are inevitable but heres to hoping that we can deal with them with poise and grace! Wish us luck! 


  1. Yay!! :) I'm so glad you took the plunge and you are not at a place that was making you unhappy any more! I will keep my eyes and ears peeled for job opportunities! :) Good luck to you both for the job hunt!

  2. A leap of faith is good for you! Terrence quit his job working at UOP to build his own financial service business. Was it (and is it still) scary? Yes. It is hard. Sometimes. But I wouldn't change it for the world because the Lord is molding us into the people He wants us to be. So good for you to get out of your comfort zone! The Lord will guide you - it wont always go as planned, but lots of prayers, love and late night scripture reading will get you through it. I'll keep you in my prayers!
